Haleluya KOSHER Restaurant
KOSHER Restaurant Patong Beach
Restaurant is a kosher Israeli restaurant that offers a selection of hot and fresh flavors with the taste of home as we all love
The selection of dishes is very diverse.

The restaurant offers main dishes, Thai food, salads, pizzas, and soft drinks and also, makes deliveries.

What Is Kosher Food?

Kosher food is any food or beverage that Jewish dietary laws allow a person to eat. It isn’t a style of cooking. Keeping kosher is much more complex than that. Rules are the foundation of kosher food.

Rooted in history and religion, each law is specific about what types of food you can and can’t eat. The laws are also strict about the way you prepare, process, and inspect food if you’re going to call it kosher.

Keeping kosher is a commitment. It governs what you eat and the way you prepare your meals and use your kitchen and dishes every day. But anyone can eat kosher food. You probably have kosher items in your pantry right now.

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